The MACS adapts its visits for all audiences to make art accessible to everyone.
Several projects:
Article 27
The MACS proposes specific actions for “Article 27” beneficiaries, which aims to facilitate access to culture and participation for people in precarious circumstances.
Depuis 2015, le MACS développe le projet Meetme@MACS permettant à un groupe de patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer de se reconnecter à leur mémoire par le contact avec les oeuvres d’art. Le MACS collabore plus particulièrement avec l’Hôpital du Chêne aux Haies situé à Mons.
Visits for blind and partially-sighted people
A specific outreach approach has been developed for partially-sighted people, aimed at apprehending the exhibitions by means of suitable supports, such as models, thermoformed objects, musical extracts and Braille texts.
The MACS prepares visits for partially-sighted visitors in collaboration with Les Amis des Aveugles, an organisation in Ghlin.
Activities in collaboration with the association Entraide et Solidarité Protestantes (ESoP)
ESoP is a social assistance association aimed notably at new arrivals. It promotes liberating activities through workshops in French, cooking and initiation in new technologies.
During the “L’Archive des ombres” exhibition, the MACS worked with the association ESoP to create a project for participants on the theme of memory.
Workshops at the prison in Mons
Concerned to take art outside the context of the museum, the MACS works with the prison in Mons. The educational team regularly visits the psychiatric wing in order to talk about various works and artists with the help of projections and workshops.